Clean 1 or more drums together in few minutes!

Linda is the range of spraying machines built for flexo printing. Linda cleaning machine for buckets, tanks, drums with flexo ink residues. You can re-use them for colours station or reduce discharge costs

They are easy to use, accurate and fast cleaning machines with no need of frequent maintenance programs.

Linda cleaning machines do not work with solvents and they does not require any particular preparations. It just need a power supply !

They are ready to use, not flamable and they are compliant to the stricter regulations of food packaging.

Linda machines range comes from our experience alongside printers which allowed us to design machines that could accurately remove flexographic inks and help the printers in production.

Buckets cleaning machine can be produced in “ONLY BUCKETS”configuration which clean 4, 6 or more buckets and tanks together, according to the sizes of customers’ buckets.

It’s also possible to choose the DUAL Version which can be used for more buckets/drums at the same times or one 200 liters drum alone.

In the picture, the DUAL S4 version which cleans 4 tanks/buckets at the same time or one 200 liters drum.

Linda buckets and drums cleaning machine

Discover the advantages in production

Accurate cleaning in few minutes

In few minutes buckets are ready to be used again.

Fast positioning

You can place your buckets or drums in the basket.

Spraying bars

Accurate washing on every side thanks to spraying bars positioned in several directions.

Ready to use cleaners

You can work with cleaners ready to use, not flamable and re-usable several times.

Decanter system

Our machines work with long lasting products which can be reused several times.

Dual configuration

Linda can have a double configuration: you can wash more tanks and buckets at the same time or 200 liters drums

Choose your version

Which kind of bucket or drums do you want to clean?

Standard version “only buckets” can wash 4 o 6 buckets at the same time. You can choose a larger size to clean more buckets in the same washing cycle.


The standard version “one drum” clean a 200 l. drum. In case you need to clean more drums at the same time, you can choose a bigger machine.


DUAL version is designed with double configuration: you can wash more tanks and buckets or one 200 liters drums.


How to use the machine

It's very easy !


Place the buckets

Place the buckets in the basket.


Start washing cycle

Close the machine and start washing cycle. High pressure spraying holes perfectly removes inks from all your parts.


Ready to use

After some minutes, buckets are cleaned and ready to be used again.

Cleaning products

Not flamable and re-usable cleaning products

Stop using 2k toxic and flamable cleaning products.

Linda machines work with cleaning products ready to use, not flamable with all certifications for food and pharma packaging.

They are specific cleaners which removes any kind of flexo ink or varnish residues in few minutes. They can be used several times.

Decanter system reduces cleaner consumption and discharge costs.

You ask, we answer


Do we need special requirements to install Linda machines?

No, Linda does not require any particular preparations. You just need a power supply ! According to the version you choose, compressed air could be required.

I use several kind of inks Shoud I change the product every time ?

No, we have products which can remove all kind of inks:uv, water or solvent based. You can choose the right cleaning product for your production

I print with water, solvent and UV based inks and I usually clean buckets manually Can I use the machine only with water?

You can use only water, if you want. Usually our customers add some cleaning solution so that it’s more efficient and quicker.


Design your parts cleaning machine

A short quiz to discover which is the right cleaning machine and which options we suggest for your production.
You will receive the pictures and technical specifications for your buckets cleaning machine.

Our satisfied customers

Our skills At your service


flexo labels


“Sicuramente ciò che mi ha più colpito di Linda la semplicità d’uso.

La macchina è pratica, comoda, nuova, e non richiede una gran formazione, quindi gli operatori imparano subito ad usarla.”


food packaging labels


“Il dubbio principale che avevo prima di acquistare Linda riguardava la qualità del lavaggio e temevo forti odori in reparto a causa dei liquidi. Lavorando nel settore alimentare, avevamo bisogno di una macchina che ci garantisse di pulire gli attrezzi senza poi doverli ripassare con altri prodotti.

Dalle schede tecniche e le certificazioni del prodotto che ci avete fornito insieme alla macchina abbiamo visto che erano conformi ai requisiti e alla normativa del settore alimentare e ci siamo tranquillizzati… Poi la pratica stessa ci ha tolto qualsiasi dubbio!”

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