Gestionale Anilox Management System per il controllo degli anilox

Anilox Management System (AMS) is a software providing detailed information on the conditions of every anilox from your stock. Every anilox is given an ID code, screen description, date of purchase, manufacturer, measurement of the initial volume taken in different points along the width – usually in two points (left and right) for label printing, 3 points (left, right and centre) for flexible packaging and 5 points for corrugated fiberboard.

Once the aniloxes are measured, the data is inserted in the AMS, where the records of the anilox rolls and its volumes are stored.

And not only that, it is also possible to record volume variation across the anilox.

Finestra introduttiva al gestionale Anilox Management System
Welcome window for  Anilox Management System

WHY USE Anilox Management System?

The data about the roll can be inserted manually or automatically through Troika’s AniCAM system.

AMS software was developed thanks to the feedback of hundreds of printers from around the globe. The primary aim of most is clearly to be able to get colour “match” (Delta E) quickly, thus reducing press setup time and related costs. This can be accomplished thanks to the certainty that the rolls are really clean and in their best possible conditions.

Research shows that the desiderd colour is only obtained at first attempt in 60% of works. This means that the remaining 40% requires to adjust colours on press, leading to more setup time and costs. Colour adjustment is the most common solution, even though ink technicians claim that most press setup time is due to anilox related problems.

All in all, if printers know the conditions of their aniloxes, they are able to reduce press setup costs, thus enhancing productivity and profit.

Sezione ROLLS del gestionale AMS
ROLLS section in the AMS


Every roll in the inventory can/should be inserted into the AMS database. This is done in the “Rolls” section of the application.

In this example, 4 rolls have been inserted. Three of them belong to Comexi, and one to Gallus.

Drop-down lists allow to quickly match the data regarding manufacturers, printing machines, operators and roll applications.

Gestionale Anilox management system sezione press
PRESS section in the AMS


The “Press” section in the AMS allows to access every machine and/or lists the aniloxes associated to them, instantly providing information about volumes and conditions of every roll.





Gestionale Anilox Management System, introduzione
Welcome window in the AMS

The “Roll Profile” function allows the operator to visualize the roll whenever necessary.

This function provides detailed information on the conditions of every roll, including:

– wear 
– variations across the anilox
– basic information about the anilox
– visual representation of the original and current anilox surface





 Download Informative Brochure about Anilox Management System

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